Holy Trinity’s mission is to “Know Christ and make Him Known.” We believe this will happen as every member is engaged in worship, Bible study, small groups, and ministry teams. It all starts with worship, and we’re glad you’re planning to join us! Here’s what you can expect:
This service is a traditional eucharist, yet with fewer hymns, making for a slightly shorter service. There is no coffee hour afterwards. Are you a no-nonsense “early service” person? If so, this one is for you.
This is a broad church eucharist with organ hymnody and a choir. It is our largest service. A full compliment of children’s programming and nursery is available. Have a favorite seat? Better get here early for this one!
This service is casual and the music is led by a praise band. Nursery and children's programming is also available for this service.
This service is a traditional eucharist, with organ and piano hymnody, hosted in our beautiful historical chapel. This service tends to be more quiet and reflective, with a smaller congregation in an intimate space.
A small gathering in our historical chapel, for eucharist and healing liturgy.
The nursery is open from 8:30-10:30 for children ages 0-4. The nursery is located in the gallery, behind the main sanctuary. The services are also live-streamed in our lobby (narthex). Feel free to use that space as a cry-room.
After the 9 am service coffee and snacks are served in the parish hall. At 10:30 adult Sunday school begins in parish hall (rectors forum). Kids 4 and up also attend Sunday school at this time. Sign in takes place at 10:30 in the gallery (same location as children’s church sign in).