Holy Trinity’s mission is to “Know Christ and make Him known.” We believe this happens when every member is engaged in worship, Bible study, small groups, and ministry teams. It all starts with worship, and we’re glad you’re planning to join us!
7:30 AM | Traditional Rite I
A minimal, contemplative Eucharist in traditional language, organ accompaniment, and congregaional hymns.
9:00 AM | Traditional Rite II
A rich and meaningful service featuring organ and choir-led hymns. Full children’s programming and nursery are available.
11:00 AM | Contemporary Rite II
A relaxed and engaging service with modern praise music. Nursery and children’s programming are available.
11:15 AM | Historic Chapel, Traditional Rite I
Held in our historic chapel, offering a Eucharist in traditional language, organ accompaniment, and congregational hymns.
10:00 AM | Wednesday Healing Service
A midweek Eucharist in the historic chapel, offering prayers for healing in a peaceful and personal setting.
Nursery | Ages 0 - 3
Open from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the gallery behind the sanctuary, serving both the 9:00 and 11:00 AM services. Services are live-streamed in the lobby (narthex), which can also be used as a cry room.
Children Chuch | Ages 4 - 11
Offered during the first half of the 9:00 and 11:00 AM services. Check-in is in the gallery before service. Kids experience a liturgy-based program that walks through Scripture. They return to their parents for the Eucharist.
Youth Group | Grades 6 - 12
Sundays, 10:00-11:00 AM – Meets between the 9:00 and 11:00 AM services. A deeper dive into the Gospel, exploring Scripture and its impact on daily life.
Wednesdays, 6:00-8:00 PM – Includes dinner, activities, and discussion.
Acolytes | 4th Grade +
Children in 4th grade and above are encouraged to serve as acolytes at both the 9:00 and 11:00 AM services. Interested? Let us know!