
Our Mission...Every Member in Ministry

Greeters (11:00am Service)Greeters (11:00am Service)

Greeters (11:00am Service)

All of us at Holy Trinity want our newcomers and visitors to feel welcome. Our greeters’ main purpose is to search out new faces, while at the same time welcome all with a smile and a sincere greeting. They stand ready to answer any questions about the church and/or service, provide directions to restrooms, the Parish Hall, etc. and give any other assistance needed. Interested? Click "Request to join" or contact Cathryn Thornton.
Greeters (9:00am Service)Greeters (9:00am Service)

Greeters (9:00am Service)

All of us at Holy Trinity want our newcomers and visitors to feel welcome. Our greeters’ main purpose is to search out new faces, while at the same time welcome all with a smile and a sincere greeting. They stand ready to answer any questions about the church and/or service, provide directions to restrooms, the Parish Hall, etc. and give any other assistance needed. Interested? Click "Request to join" or contact Cathryn Thornton.
Licensed Eucharistic MinistersLicensed Eucharistic Ministers

Licensed Eucharistic Ministers

A Licensed Eucharistic Minister (LEM) is a lay person licensed by the Bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the Eucharist. Here at Holy Trinity, the LEM is the chalice bearer, serving the wine during Communion. Special training is required for this ministry. Interested? Click "Request to join" or contact: Janet Gray.


A Lector is a lay person trained in reading Scripture appointed by the Rector to read Lessons, Psalms or lead the Prayers of the People during a service. Lectors have a critical role in the celebration of the Liturgy as they proclaim the Word of God. There is no license required for this lay ministry. Interested? Click "Request to join" or "Contact".
Celebratory GuildCelebratory Guild

Celebratory Guild

The Celebratory Guild consists of a number of teams working together. One team makes phone calls to those celebrating birthdays, anniversaries and other significant events in the lives of our parishioners. A second team meets on Monday mornings to re-arrange flowers from the altar into mugs and cups to be delivered to both standing parishioners and newcomers and visitors to our parish. Our third team delivers those flowers to those said individuals and families. Interested in joining the team? Click "Request to join" or contact Marce Musser.
Flower Guild/Altar FlowersFlower Guild/Altar Flowers

Flower Guild/Altar Flowers

The Altar Guild creates the beautiful floral arrangements that adorn the altars of the church and chapel for all worship services at Holy Trinity. Interested in joining this team? Click "Request to join" or contact Anna Bourne.
Buildings and GroundsBuildings and Grounds

Buildings and Grounds

Trinity Ringers Handbell ChoirTrinity Ringers Handbell Choir

Trinity Ringers Handbell Choir

Holy Trinity’s hand bell choir enriches the worship at the 9:00am service. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 5:30 - 6:30pm in the Lou West Music Room in Pearson Hall. For more information, contact Bell Choir Director, David Vogeding.
Thrift Shop VolunteersThrift Shop Volunteers

Thrift Shop Volunteers

Come and volunteer at the thrift shop. We have a fun and caring group that serves the community. You will meet many people, volunteers and customers. We need volunteers to help customers find goods they are looking for, put out merchandise, price merchandise and sort donations. Come in and see what we are all about.
Healing Prayer AppointmentsHealing Prayer Appointments

Healing Prayer Appointments

Healing Prayer TeamHealing Prayer Team

Healing Prayer Team

The Healing Prayer Team is a group of trained prayer ministers who pray in pairs with people in need of emotional, spiritual, or physical healing. We believe that the Lord is present to bring wholeness and healing, and we follow the model: Listen, love, pray.
Altar GuildAltar Guild

Altar Guild

The duties of the Altar Guild are to prepare for every service taking place in the church and chapel, including Holy Eucharists, Morning Prayer services, baptisms, weddings, funerals, and memorials. Included in the Altar Guild are the Linen, Flower, and Wedding Groups. This is a very special ministry that we all offer to Our Lord, as we prepare for His presence among us. We have four teams of men and women who serve one week every four weeks, as well as individuals who work only one specific service. Interested? Click "Request to join" or contact Judy Henderson.
Pastoral Care Team/Eucharistic VisitorsPastoral Care Team/Eucharistic Visitors

Pastoral Care Team/Eucharistic Visitors

Nursery Ministry TeamNursery Ministry Team

Nursery Ministry Team

Welcome to our nursery volunteer team! We're delighted to have you join us in serving the youngest members of our church community, ages 0-4 years old. As a nursery volunteer, you'll play a vital role in creating a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment for our little ones during church activities.
Trinity ChoirTrinity Choir

Trinity Choir

The choir provides musical leadership in the 9:00am service. They rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 7:45pm in the Lou West Music Room in Pearson Hall. Come and sing to the glory of God! For more information, contact Organist & Choir Master, David Vogeding.


Acolyte means an attendant or follower and Samuel (1 Samuel 2:18-21) is one of the first examples of an assistant to a priest. The job of an acolyte is to assist the celebrant (the priest in charge of a worship service) and enhance the worship service to help glorify God. Serving as an acolyte is a commitment of your time and talent to the Lord’s service, which is greatly appreciated.
Here at Holy Trinity we have a long history of acolytes in this wonderful ministry. Children from approximately 4th grade through adulthood serve each weekend. Whether a crucifer, torch bearer, gospel or epistle acolyte, our acolytes serve with great dedication. We have trained and awarded six Master Acolytes to the ministry and two of those Master Acolytes have gone on to become Vergers.
We have continued training for any interested parishioners. Please contact Vern Lester or Chris Arter for any questions.
Audio/Visual TeamAudio/Visual Team

Audio/Visual Team

The A/V Team is responsible for the sound board, slides, and the video stream. The team trains members on each part of the audio/visual system. A member may train to do just one task or all three. To get more info contact the groups.
MOre on Church Center