Calling all kids in PK-5th Grade, and youth volunteers! Holy Trinity Kids are on the road with God this summer for a Road Trip themed Vacation Bible School, and we hope you’ll make the journey with us! Hop on board June 16-20 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church from 8:30am - 12pm for a fun-filled week of music, crafts, games and diving into scripture with friends! Registration is open now with an early bird discount available through March 31st! Youth volunteers please use the same registration. Questions? Email Julia Phillips at
Join us for Vacation Bible School- a fun-filled week of music, crafts, games, and diving into Scripture with friends! This year's theme for VBS is Road Trip: God is with us everywhere we go. If you are in preschool through fifth grade, we hope that you'll make the journey with us! Registration closes on June 1st. Questions? E-mail Julia Phillips at